These Are The 5 Things About Flying That Annoy You The Most

Don’t you hate how cramped airline seats are these days? You are not alone. In a recent survey conducted by Tripadvisor, people answered questions about air travel. More specifically, they answered questions about what they disliked most about air travel. What...

What Cities’ Hotels Are Most Booked This Summer?

Do you ever feel like you always miss the best hotel deals? Like no matter how early you start planning, it always seems like hotels are more expensive now than last year? Now, you can see wether you are looking for a hotel in a city that is just plain booked-up. We...

5 of the World’s Most Insane Roads

When you go abroad and rent a car, you are always a little nervous about driving, right? Will there be laws you don’t know about, do they drive on the same side of the road as you, what’s the deal with this roundabout and so forth. Most of the time, of...