Do you ever feel like you always miss the best hotel deals? Like no matter how early you start planning, it always seems like hotels are more expensive now than last year? Now, you can see wether you are looking for a hotel in a city that is just plain booked-up.

We took a look at some of the most popular destinations this summer and wanted to know how booked the hotels were. It is always a good idea to book the hotel well in advance. Once more than 40% of a city’s hotel rooms are booked the prices tend to go up.

When searching for a hotel on Dohop, the site will notify users if many of the hotels are already booked for the period in question.

Hotels in Boston

The following infographic shows the percentage of hotel rooms that are booked in 9 cities in Europe and the US.

The most significant thing on the graph is the sharp drop in hotel bookings as the summer progresses for most cities, apart from Reykjavik Iceland. It seems that Reykjavik is either really popular this summer, or that it is in dire need of hotel rooms.

Try it yourself. Search for a hotel on Dohop, and let us know in the comments how booked it is.

The post What Cities’ Hotels Are Most Booked This Summer? appeared first on Dohop Travel Blog .

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