What is it you look forward to the most when you are about to board an airplane?

I’m guessing it’s not the comfortable airline seats or the lines at airport security. Well, what is it then?

In a recent survey, Tripadvisor asked 2700 people what they enjoyed most about the travel experience.

Here they are, the 5 things most people like most about air travel:

1. The thrill of getting to a new destination

You Can't Buy Happiness, but you can buy a plane ticket and that's kind of the same thing.
For most of you, 67% to be exact, it’s all about seeing something new. Like visiting New York for the first time, or stepping out of the airplane in Spain and feeling the sun on your face.

It’s all about fulfilling a need to see something new, to be in a new place at least once a year.

2. The sense of adventure

Let's be adventurers!
For 43% of you, sitting still is just a slow death. You want to experience something new, go somewhere totally different from where you live.

3. Looking out of the plane’s window during take-off / landing

28% of travelers say this is what they look forward to the most. We are not surprised.

There is a thrill that comes with seeing the ground fall away and the buildings and cars shrink and then, at the end of the journey, a new city appears and grows.

4. Taking a break from work during the flight

Cocktails on an airplane = bliss!

One fifth of those surveyed said that what they looked forward to the most was just not being at work. The freedom of being out of reach for a few hours is the best thing they can think of. For these people, we at Dohop have but one piece of advice.

Travel more ?

5. Resting


17% of you just want to sleep during the flight. That’s cool too.
Travel isn’t all glamour and excitement, sometimes it’s just a break from the world.


Now, imagine you just bought yourself a flight. What is it you are looking forward to the most now?

The post The 5 Things You Love About Air Travel appeared first on Dohop Travel Blog .

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