More and more Norwegians are using Dohop to find and book flights. We took a look at the data and saw where most of them are looking for flights to.

These results are based on nearly 100,000 flight searches made so far in 2016, all from various cities in Norway.

Oslo was the single city most Norwegians searched for flights to, by far. But to make this post more interesting we excluded it from this list. Just keep in mind that most Norwegians like visiting their capital city.

Spain is a very popular destination this year and has four of ten cities on the list. No other country appears more than once.

The first city on the list outside of Europe is Bangkok, which is the 12th most popular city and then New York City in 14th place.

Of the top 40 cities, only 5 are outside of Europe. In addition to Bangkok and New York these are Orlando, Los Angeles and Cochin in India.

The 10 cities most Norwegians want to visit 2016

10. Tenerife


9. Malaga

8. Berlin


7. Paris


6. Milan

5. Barcelona


4. Amsterdam

Amsterdam Herbst

3. Copenhagen

Nyhavn, Copenhagen

2. London

London Thames Sunset

1. Alicante


Here is an infographic showing the relative popularity of the cities on the list.

And since so many of you are searching for flights to these cities, that means Dohop Go! should be full of cheap flight prices to them. Just take a look and see.

We just released a brand new version of Dohop Go! and hope you find something new and exciting.


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The post The 10 Cities Most Norwegians Want to Visit This Year appeared first on The Dohop Travel Blog .

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